|Tool|: sets visibility of tool palettes (windows that float above document windows). A checkmark indicates that a floating tool is visible- click to turn it on or off. Use the Option key to turn all tools on and off when clicking.
|Help|: the help window is used to display help messages as you move the pointer. If visible, it also turns on the help facility for dialog windows.
|Tool Palette|: the tool palette has tools for creating geometric and text objects, plus the control of views and layers. To popup, click in document with |command| & |option| keys. Add |shift| to leave at new position.
|Align Palette|: provides a set of commands for aligning objects to a common horizontal or vertical line. Its also the only tool for correctly aligning |arc| objects in pie-charts.
|Color Palette|: the color palette provides a method for setting the color for all objects.
|Pattern Palette|: allows selection of black and white patterns for borders, lines and fillable objects.
|Pen Palette|: displays and allows selection of values affecting borders and lines.
|Text Palette|: provides control of values affecting the appearance of text.
|Movie Controls|: lets you control imported QuickTime movies. Requires QuickTime installation.
|Clean Up Palettes|: repositions floating palettes (except tool palette) to their original positions; does not affect order or visibility.